
home made sushi, times two:

the edible kind:

the knitted kind:

i found the free pattern for knitted sushi a while ago at ravelry, i just had to make it. :)
totally useless, so i used them for dressing up our new sushi plates.

ps: check out Kupuku: they have sushi-pillows and magnets, very funny!


i'm both a coffee and tea lover, i can't really pick a side. i love a good caffé latté or just plain coffee after dinner, but i also love drinking nice fruity or herbal tea.

my boyfriend however, is totally on the tea-side!
so that's why i made him this little tea-bag for his birthday. i saw it for sale on etsy and i thought "hey, i could make that!"
my version was made with scraps of fabric and a found piece of elastic band. the dimensions are a bit off, but for the first time i think it turned out quite good.
if you think it's silly to bring your own tea to work or school, you could also use it as a litle wallet for keeping businesscards...


for my sisters birthday i wanted to give something home-made, so i made her two aprons. they were finished a while ago, but since she reads my blog, i couldn't blog about it untill now. (remember the one i made in sewing class? - i edited the pattern a bit though; i made the straps a bit smaller, which looks more elegant to me)
the fabric comes from ikea, i simply love it! i finished it with bright green biais and green buttons... and ofcourse my button-labels!!

this will probably be one of my last sewing projects till june, since time seems to fly twice as fast for masterstudents. things are getting pretty hectic and the big jury is in june... so if it gets a little quiet at "gelukkig in de jaren zestig, don't worry, all i'm doing is trying to graduate. ;)

(ps: thanks for posing, lynn!!)


i've been such a lucky lady lately! after winning Mme Zsazsa's aardpeer-give-away, i also won Kir's jewellery bag and now i also won a custom-made stamp by Mamasha!! Thanks to you all!

should i stop entering to give-aways now, to give the rest of you a chance? ;)
(look at the beautiful fabric card and recycled envelope!)

and as the cherry on the cake, my grandma gave me these gorgeous porcelain cups & saucers yesterday! (6 of them, plus matching coffee/tea-can!)


today i helped a friend (and fellow graphic design student) bind a book for her school assignment. we did a great job, if i can say so myself. i picked up some new bookbinding tips & tricks along the way: (i'm writing them in dutch because the tutorial is also in dutch!)

boekbind tips & tricks:
- een letter, woord, figuur in relief maken op de cover kan ook. daarvoor moet je, in plaats van 1 dik karton van bvb 4mm te gebruiken, 2 kartonnen van 2mm op elkaar lijmen. in het bovenste heb je dan je letter/woord/figuur uitgesneden. de kant met het relief lijm je als eerste in (dus je wacht met de rug en de andere kant te lijmen op het boekbinderslinnen tot de relief-kant droog is), je lijmt het op het boekbinderslinnen, draait het vrijwel onmiddelijk om en oefent lichte druk uit op de plaats waar het dieper is. met een vouwbeen of een stomp voorwerp kan je de randjes mooi uitduwen. tip: gebruik op die plaatsen zeker niet teveel lijm. (edit: leg een vochtige vod bij je om je belijmde vingers af te kuisen. zo beland er zeker geen lijm op je cover!)

- het is zeer handig om in plaats van boeken als gewicht te gebruiken, 2 sergeanten en 2 houten planken (bedekt met papier, anders plakt het hele boeltje aan je plank) te gebruiken als pers. je steekt dan je gebonden katernen - met schutbladen en al, met het stofje en eventueel kapitaalbandjes erop) (licht) gelijmd erin, en als het er dan tussenzit kan je er nog eens overgaan voor nog een laagje lijm. daar kan je het gemakkelijk in laten drogen zonder dat je de hele boekenkast moet leeghalen.

- het toverwoord bij boekbinden is écht waar: geduld geduld geduld. een beetje zoals bij naaien, vind ik.


my first selfmade summer dress ever is so simple you can barely call it a dress... i made a copy of "le sac dress" by american apparel, which is a versatile dress you can wear in different ways. basicly it's just a rectangle with two v's at the sides and a strap going trough it. they ask 38 euros for it in the shops and i made it for only 14!

i did make it too short (so no picture of me wearing it - i still have to change the 5cm bottom hem and make it a 1cm hem so the dress gets 4cms longer) and my straps (1,5m!) are also too short.

and here is a picture of my favorite earrings for kir's give-away. i bought these 2 or 3 years ago at the flee market in turnhout for only 2 euros! who says jewellery should be expensive?
also check out my granny square counter on the right; i added a new picture. :)


i went fabric shopping for a summer dress (it's almost finished, pictures soon).. i found what i was looking for but ofcourse i couldn't resist also buying these gorgeous fabrics as they were very, very cheap.

the orange and blue fabric were really cheap (2,5 euro/m!!) and come from modecoupon (where i usually buy my fabrics) and the flowery fabrics come from the kringwinkel, the greenish one is actually a pillow cover and the other one is a matress cover! my fabric box is getting quite full now... luckily i recently re-organized it, also see blendingblue's great tip.