look, how nice, Liesel gave me the happy 101-award. this time you had to write 10 things that make you happy... that's easy, i could write 101 things that make me happy! here's my top 10: (not in a particular order, by the way)
1. my boyfriend and how he holds my yarn when i'm knitting or crocheting. 2.buying cheap or second hand buttons and sorting them by color when i get home. afterwards looking how my pots are getting fuller every time. and, most importantly, when i am in need for buttons for a crafty project... going trough all my pots to find the perfect button! 3.looking back at old design or crafty projects, seeing every flaw and mistake in it, and thinking to myself how much i improved since then. 4. talking with family and/or friends, drinking some wine, eating some olives or cheese... preferably on a warm summer night. 5. receiving letters, postcards, packages by mail. nothing beats a handwritten letter, really. i'm 21 and i still have a penpall! 6. making plans for “the future”, being slightly scared but so excited about it! (and already decorating my future appartment/studio in my head) 7. taking my analog camera with me, taking photos of random things, getting them developed (in a perfect world: developing them myself in the blackroom!) and put the nicest ones in my photo albums. also in this catagory: watching a polaroid picture develop. 8. cleaning my room and messing it up again! 9. planting flower or vegetable seeds and watching them turn into a flower/plant/vegetable! 10. finding unexpected treasures on a flea market! i always look for nice books, tin cans and pretty porcelain, but finding something you weren't looking for (like my sewing box) is even better!
i'd like to give the award to Lilavanille (because i just recently discovered her blog and i'm loving it already) and to everyone else who feels like making their happy-10-list!
also: some photos of my weekend, i spend most of my time sitting behind my laptop (working for school) but i found some time to do some gardening and crocheting... in the sun ofcourse! (another thing to add to the happy-10-list!)
apparently there's some give-away virus going trough Blogland! - LaFilleHella is giving away a handmade scarf and 2 cute bowls. i'm not entering because i can fill an entire store with scarfs and porcelain only... ;) - Dutch Apple is giving away a handmade bag out of recycled materials! it's really pretty! - Melissa is giving away all sorts of things! all really nice! some fabric, some vintage...
oh and look how beautiful the light was yesterday evening... i should really start taking more photos again!
i don't want to sound greedy, but i really want these! they would be the perfect addition to my button collection... be sure to check out Tie-ne's blog and her give-away! (lots of give-aways lately, phew!!) (ps: i'm teaching myself some new crochet skills today! more about that soon!)
remember when i said i wouldn't enter to give-aways anymore? well... this one... i just HAVE to enter! it was a silly idea anyway.. ;)
look what i got in the mail the other day: Kamiel and Odille's home-made pencil cases and book marks! she sent it to me including a little note, just because, which really made my day! i was (yet again) amazed by all the kindness and generosity you find here in Blogland. thanks again, Kamiel and Odille!!
also check out my new bible! 500 pages about knitting, crocheting, sewing, but also needlework, macramé, patchwork,... basic information and simple patterns (for example knitted socks and mittens, which i want to give a try this summer), it really can't get any better. it also has some great examples of granny squares... which reminds me: let's see how my blanket is doing: i crocheted 36 squares now, of which i attached 32 to each other. it measures about 60x30cms already... what do you think?? :)
last week (actually, two weeks ago, i'm running late), Kelly from Ma vie en vert gave me the "sunshine award", which really made my day! Thanks again, Kelly! i'm totally going to ignore the rules of the award, except for this one: "give the award to as many bloggers you want." i'm giving the award exclusively to Kamiel and Odille for bringing some unexpected sunshine to my life... more about that next time!
and for now: i'm wishing for some sunshine... for my zucchini's!