
i love sundays! getting up early* to do all the necessary things (laundry, cleaning up,...).... which gives me a whole afternoon to do the things i love! i made orange-cinnamon jam and spicy cookies... which i ate with a nice cup of coffee! i was finishing my swatch for week 9, weaving the ends in and adding the label.
 so here it is again!!

no.9: ajour #2
 this ajour swatch came out much better than the previous one. i like the technique! it is actually quite easy to do... :) i took a picture of the swatch against the light so you can see the holes better. oh and look how nice swatch no.9 looks together with swatches 8 and 6. :)
 have a nice sunday evening! i'm off to do the necessary things like cooking dinner and eating it, too!

*getting up early = being poked out of bed by my boyfriend who's always awake early :)


  1. Wat een mooie foto's!
    Ik hou enorm van vroeg opstaan, jammer genoeg lukt dat vanwege mijn werkuren niet altijd even goed.

  2. Oh, mooi alweer! En inderdaad, zondagen zijn zo leuk :-) Vandaag om 8 uur uit de veren en elke minuut van de dag genoten :-) (alhoewel, enkel die paar minuten dat we stonden te wachten op de trein, die uiteindelijk toch niet kwam wegens afgeschaft ;-) )

  3. Thanks for popping by my blog and taking the time to leave a comment :)

    I love those three colours together!

    Sandra x

  4. mooie swatch! Ajour geeft een heel tof effect. Hopelijk was vandaag weer zo'n fijne zondag.


thanks for taking the time to leave a comment! :)