last weekend we spent 3 lovely days in normandy, france. we did a trip that brought us from the cape blanc nez to fécamp, rouen, amiens... the weather was great and we had a really good time!
we saw the sunset between these beautiful cliffs... ...slept in a chambre d'hôte where i felt at home immediately... (i love that color combination, by the way) ...and saw amazing landscapes... ..of which the color combination made me think of my granny square blanket! (except for the blue) i put all the squares together now, what you see here are 200 squares... i included my slippers in the picture so you get a better idea of the size. :)
nothing hobby-related, but i just had to share: my graduating project 'Van den Vos Reynaerde' won one of the prizes of "de best vormgegeven boeken"! it still feels quite surreal. :) you can view pictures of this project (and a lot of other work too) on my portfolio website. there's also an exhibition of all the awarded books in the design museum in Ghent until june. great, no?
some sunshine, soft grass and a project to work on; i don't need much more to feel happy. :) here's a little update on the "at-my-boyfriends-place-project": i've been working on my "starling handbag"... and i'm quite happy with how it's looking! the size is perfect and i'm still loving the color combination... yay!
shame on me; i've been a very unactive blogger the last few months. it's not that i stopped crafting at all, but everything seems to be going much slower. except for shortening pants and repairing broken zippers, my sewing machine has been unactive too. (poor thing)
i'm really in my crocheting phase right now...i finished some crocheted clothes hangers this weekend; i've been enjoying the sun, crocheting along... (last saturday i discovered a bunch of wooden hangers for only 5 eurocents per piece in the thriftstore... i can't imagine anyone buying clothes hangers that cheap!) so...3 hangers down, only 30 more to go! i also spent quite some time in the garden, filling up the little hothouse my dad and boyfriend made together. now all these babies need is some sunshine and water! i hope my sunflowers turn out right, we're also trying to grow cucumbers, tomatoes, lettuce, onions, beets, parsley, carrots and parsnip... my favourite!