my first "home"sewing project was a clothespin-bag. i searched the internet for patterns, and i actually wanted to make a clothespin apron (like Kelly's), but my boyfriend didn't agree. ("i'm not wearing THAT!!") so i made this bag instead. it makes hanging the washing a lot more easy and funky! definitely a winner!
last summer i got my grandma to teach me how to knit socks and because i was so happy i learned something new, i made the resolution to try and get the hang of a new knitting technique each summer.
i felt like doing that yesterday evening. i decided to go for double knitting, a technique of knitting where you work with two colors, knitting the back and front of the work at the same time. (without turning your work, that is) the finished knitwork has no good or bad side, but both sides are the reverse of eachother and they look both equally pretty. it's perfect for double-sided scarves with patterns, or in my current case: hot pads. (which should NEVER be used near fire cause i'm knitting them with acrylic yarn!)
i've always loved scandinavian patterns so for my first colourwork project i chose this star/snowflake-like pattern. :) (could be beautiful for the ends of a scarf, like this one) here's a close-up that shows both sides, see how it is the reverse?
next up to master are intarsia, stranded knitting and cables. :) i'm thinking about knitting squares in different patterns (with different techniques) and putting them together for a pillowcase... maybe that should be my next knitting project after this! :)
ahhh... finally our appartment became a home. after several weeks of painting, cleaning and moving, the place is finally decorated and if i can say so myself, it looks great. some details i love: our bed and the green wall that needed 6 (!) layers of paint. our dramatic ikea lamps in the living room. funny plants on the marble mantle. crocheting whilst drinking coffee out of my favorite vintage china.
AND.... my favorite space in the whole appartment; my crafty corner! my button-pots on a shelf and a big desk (quite an improvement, my sewing table at home was not even half the size)... a big box stuffed with yarn only underneath it, my sewing box in front of it... a cute chair and my sewing machine..... i'm in heaven. :)